Sanity Software News
SMS widget 1.2 Released!
Download it! The SMS widget allows you to send text messages to mobile phones for free. You don’t even need to have a phone at all! The widget works with Cingular, Sprint, Verizon, T-Mobile, Nextel, Virgin Mobile, Alltel, and Qwest in the USA. We are also beta testing T-Mobile in Germany. The SMS widget integrates…
Free Web SMS Service Updated
Our free web interface for sending SMS messages has been updated and improved! Some of the new enhancements include: Added option to send your mobile number or email as the reply address of your messages. This lets recipients reply to your SMS messages. Added a "Beats me" option for friend’s carrier. Allows you to send…
SMS widget 1.1 Released!
Download it! The SMS widget allows you to send text messages to mobile phones for free. Your friends need to have Cingular, Sprint PCS, T-Mobile, or Verizon in the U.S., but you don’t even need to have a phone at all. The SMS widget integrates with the Mac OS X Address Book, so you can…
Free Web SMS
I’ve created a simple web application for sending SMS messages to T-Mobile, Verizon, and Sprint customers. Sending messages is free! Now you can type messages on your nice big keyboard instead of fumbling with those tiny cell phone keys. Web SMS is still in beta, so give it a try and let me know what…
MeMails — The best nonsense on the web!
What the heck are MeMails? Well, I hate blogs. I hate reading them, I hate hearing about them, and I hate dreaming about them (which has happened a few times). However, I have to spread my brilliant gibberish among the masses somehow. I accomplish this daunting feat of goodwill by sending out Mass eMails (MeMails)…
RSS feed for Sanity news
Update: As of August 22, 2005, I am now using a new system and a new RSS feed for the news. Please re-subscribe if you were subscribed to the old feed. We now have an RSS feed (actually, an Atom feed) to help you keep up-to-date with the latest news from Sanity Software. If you…
GPA Calculator 1.2 released!
Download it! Added "Overall Units" and "Major Units" to summary. Improved adherence to Apple’s human interface guidelines. New icon.
Visage 2.2 released!
Download it! Added option to automatically check for updates to Visage. Added German translation. Translation done by Dominik Schastok. Added Spanish translation. Translation done by Francisco Cabello Luque. Updated Italian translation. Translation done by Massimiliano Picone. Fixed scenario which might have prevented Traditional Chinese users from customizing their alert messages. This update is only for…
WindowFinder 1.2 released!
Download it! User can choose applications to exclude from the WindowFinder menu. Automatically ignores non-viewable pseudo-windows (which may previously have been listed for apps such as DragThing, DeskShade, Paradocks, iClip, etc). Windows without titles are listed with the name "No Title". Applications and windows are sorted alphabetically ignoring upper or lower case. Added OS version…
WindowFinder 1.1 released!
Download it! No longer lists non-viewable pseudo-windows for apps such as MaxMenus. New menu refresh implementation. The menu is always up-to-date, even immediately after opening or quitting an app. Extremely low cpu usage (usually 0%).