Sanity Software News
SMS widget 2.3 Released
Download it! What’s new in version 2.3: Added support for Boost. Added support for Cellular South.
Worldwide SMS (beta)
The new Worldwide SMS service lets you send text messages from your web browser to almost any country in the world. From Albania to Zimbabwe, we’ve got you covered! Each message only costs 10 cents (€0,10) regardless of the destination country. Features: Type messages using a full sized keyboard instead of a tiny phone keypad.…
SMS widget 2.2 Released
Download it! What’s new in version 2.2: Added support for Cricket. That’s Cricket the wireless carrier, not Cricket the Cricket. Added support for Metro PCS. Added support for Midwest Wireless.
PowerController 1.7, iTunes alarm clock released
Download it! Improved playlist loading speed for large music libraries. If you have a lot of music, PowerController may take a few seconds to load during the first run, but will load much faster on subsequent uses. Improved version checker to work around a bug in Apple’s initWithContentsOfURL method of NSData. This update is ONLY…
SMS widget 2.1 Released
Download it! What’s new in version 2.1: Messages can now contain ampersands & ampersands. The recipient name, number, and carrier are pre-filled with info from the last message when re-opening the widget. Improved size of clickable area on popup menus. Improved error message when not connected to the internet.
Visage 2.3 released
Download it! Newlines can be entered in the login panel text message. This makes it easier to create multi-line messages. Login screen images can now be in any format natively supported by Mac OS X. Login screen background images no longer need to be in jpeg format. Fixed rare situation where personal alerts or boot…
Visage 2.2.2 released
Download it! Fixed situation where Visage’s icon might be used for the Finder’s dock icon even after deselecting the option. This update is only for OS 10.4 (Tiger). If you are using an earlier version of Mac OS X, please download the appropriate version of Visage from the main Visage page.
PowerController 1.6, iTunes alarm clock released
Download it! Wakes iMac G5 computers from sleep. Preference pane displays version number. The columns of the event table remember their size and position. Correctly prevents idle sleep while snoozing an iTunes alarm. Fixed situation where computer could wake for an old event that is no longer scheduled. The About window becomes active window after…
SMS widget 2.0 Released!
Download it! What’s new in version 2.0: Long messages are automatically split into multiple parts. Displays character count. Displays number of message parts. Added option to post messages to The SMS widget allows you to send text messages to mobile phones for free. You don’t even need to have a phone at all! The…
WindowFinder 1.3 released!
Download it! New features in version 1.3: Displays application icons in menu. Added option to set size of application icons. Menu shows application names as they are listed in the Finder. This improves the name shown for apps such as Firefox, which was displayed as ‘firefox-bin’ in previous versions. Application exlusion list now works with…