The SMS widget allows you to send text messages to mobile phones for free. Your friends need to have Cingular, Sprint PCS, T-Mobile, or Verizon in the U.S., but you don’t even need to have a phone at all.
The SMS widget integrates with the Mac OS X Address Book, so you can quickly select friends to contact. After you send a message, the widget remembers the carrier for each of your contacts so that you don’t need to! You can include your mobile number or email as the sender ID of your messages. This lets recipients reply to your SMS messages if the recipient’s device is capable of replying.
What’s new in version 1.1:
- Added support for Cingular.
- Added option to send your mobile number or email as the sender ID of your messages. This lets recipients reply to your SMS messages if the recipient’s device is capable of replying.
- Added a border and drop shadow to the widget.